Batman V Superman: 5 Major Revelations From The Costume Designer

2. Jason Momoa And Ben Affleck Really Love Their Costumes

If costume is character, then it's essential an actor feels at one with the designs. That apparently hasn't been much of a problem for Wilkinson, who revealed that both Jason Momoa (Aquaman) and Bat-Fleck himself love their respective gear. Wilkinson wasn't too expressive on the subject of Aquaman, but he did have this to say:
"It was pretty hard to get Jason to get out of his Aquaman costume. It really became part of him."
Okay, so Momoa clearly digs the look, with suggestion it became "part of him" leading me to suspect he got pretty into the part. That can only be a good thing as far as performance is concerned, as genuine synergy with the role is invaluable to the process of translating desires and motivation into believable drama. Told you costume design was important! As for Affleck:
"From the moment Ben had the suit on in the first fitting he was hooked. He liked the way it made him feel €“ powerful and intimidating."
That leads us nicely to...
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Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.