Batman V Superman: 8 Reasons Wonder Woman's Inclusion Is Bad

7. It's Rushed & Stinks Of Desperation

In DC and Warner Brothers' desperation to rival the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they're apparently taking a much less patient approach in building their own and it's coming across as rushed and desperate. Marvel's systematic approach to their movies began in 2008 with the release of Iron Man and a further four films were released between it and The Avengers (those being The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The Winter Soldier) and yet the second movie in this current DC movie continuity is going to include no less than four of the characters who will make up their superhero team equivalent, the Justice League. Consequently, of the characters introduced by the time this movie is released, only Superman will have got an origin movie. In apparently skipping over the origins (or at least skipping over presenting the origins in detail) of the likes of Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg, DC and Warner Brothers are showing a glaring inferiority complex in their rivalry with Marvel.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.