Batman V Superman: 8 Reasons Wonder Woman's Inclusion Is Bad

4. Couldn't Attract A Big Name Actress

Gal Gadot is cool. She's attractive, she's in shape and she's got some decent credits to her name (such as Fast and Furious and Entourage), but she's not the big name, well-known actress that you'd expect to be cast as a massively popular character like Wonder Woman - and that was never going to be the case when DC chose to introduce the character in what essentially amounts to a bit part. To be fair, most people had relatively small names in mind for the role when it was announced that Wonder Woman was going to appear in this movie. But, had a solo movie been announced, it would undoubtedly have resulted in bigger names being linked to the role - and that's really how it should have been. That said, fingers crossed that Gadot does a fantastic job.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.