Batman V Superman: 8 Reasons Wonder Woman's Inclusion Is Bad

3. No Character Development

Wonder Woman being thrown in to the mix in this movie amidst a whole host of other things going on means that, in all likelihood, she won't be developed much as a character and won't develop a relationship with the audience. If there's one thing that comic book movie fans complain about, it's their favourite characters getting little screen time and being underdeveloped. See Hawkeye as an example - he isn't close to being as big of a character as Wonder Woman (though he is still extremely popular) and his treatment in the Avengers movie saw an enormous fan backlash. You would think that DC would learn from Marvel's mistakes in that regard and not treat such an important character as a mere supporting act, but they clearly haven't.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.