Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 8 Problems With The Established Universe

5. Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Batman?

batman vs superman dc universe
Warner Bros.

Batman is undoubtedly one of the biggest icons in all of popular culture, not to mention the crown jewel in the DC and Warner Bros. catalog. With Ben Affleck now under the cowl, the character will return to cinemas next year in the massively-anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, a debut that will see the actor go on to play the character five times in just four years.

On top of taking first billing in Dawn Of Justice, Batman will also require a lot of screentime in order to establish his place in the shared universe and give Affleck enough time to develop his take on the character. Just five months later comes a cameo in Suicide Squad, most likely in relation to his ties with the Joker. In 2017 and 2019, the Caped Crusader will be one of the focal points in the two-part Justice League adaptation, and then comes the Affleck-directed feature, reportedly titled The Batman and set for release in 2018.

Other core members have their own solo outings as well, and there's every chance that either Bruce Wayne or his costumed alter-ego could show up there too, leading to the real possibility of Batman fatigue setting in long before the character even gets to his first standalone movie since The Dark Knight Rises.

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