Batman V Superman: Ranking The Character Designs From Worst To Best

5. Aquaman

Thanks to Family Guy, the cultural view of Aquaman is that he's nothing more than a pathetic joke. Stuck in the water while all the land-based action unfolds, his powers to control fish don't quite match with flying faster than a speeding bullet, running faster than a speeding bullet, or simply being Batman. Of course, this is all based on a rather gross misunderstanding of the hero (he was Sharknado-ing before it was cool), but that hasn't stopped him being treated like the Hawkeye of the Justice League. Warner Bros. are clearly desperate to change this view with a complete re-jig of the character that so desperately begs for descriptions as "badass" it's cringe-inducing. There's only been one picture of Jason Momoa's King of Atlantis, and as an image itself it's a pretty bad one. Contrary to what Warner Bros. think, saturated colour does not equal cool and slapping Unite The Seven on the top is blatant hashtag baiting at its worst. But that's nothing compared to the actual design itself. What Zack Snyder and co. have essentially done is taken Jason Momoa's look for Game Of Thrones' Khal Drogo and slapped on a few fish scales. Which begs the question whether this is even Aquaman, or someone just masquerading with his name. People may have viewed Aquaman as a joke before, but in trying to make him "cool", DC have only made him more laughable.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.