Batman V Superman: Ranking The Character Designs From Worst To Best

4. Wonder Woman

Despite being part of DC's central trio, Wonder Woman's always gotten the short end of the stick - Lynda Carter aside, she's never received much in the way of mainstream recognition, whereas her two male partners have pretty much shaped the superhero genre on the big and small screen. And although Gal Gadot's version is set to sit more alongside Batman and Superman for the ongoing DC Cinematic Universe, she's still got the short straw, with those two getting proper top billing. There was also comparatively little fuss made about the look of Princess Diana when it was announced. Part of that may have been due to it coming so close to SDCC 2014 (where the first promo clip for the film was revealed), but it's probably more that the design is just pretty unremarkable. It's not as flat-out terrible as Aquaman, but neither is it really that good. For while Gadot's costume suffers from similar issues to Momoa's - it's lacking any real colour, with the character's typical visual traits added as an after thought, and looks like it's made of brushed plastic - it hews close enough to what's present in the comics and the world set in Man Of Steel it's hard to really hate. Although why an Amazonian warrior would have such skimpy armour is a big sticking point.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.