Batman V Superman: Ranking The Character Designs From Worst To Best

3. Superman

Superman hasn't really changed much since his debut in Man Of Steel. And that's probably for the best - reminding everyone of that misfire isn't the smartest idea, but needless alterations would make the DCCU's opener feel even more pointless to the ongoing story. There's a few subtle changes - the S is a bit smaller and the "belt" has changed - but they're just corrections of the filmmaker's particular dislikes of the original costume, rather than a total revamp (which makes sense given this is a piece of ancient clothing from the House of El). Even if the film it originated from wasn't up to much, the costume itself isn't all that bad. The stark red-and-blue colour scheme managed to invoke the long-standing character's iconography while the alien design itself felt distinct from the Christopher Reeve version without going too far (a balance the rest of Man Of Steel tried and failed to attain). And getting rid of that red underwear was long overdue. The image for the Batman V Superman "update" suffers, like most of the other released promo pictures, from overly dark lighting and needless saturation, but as we know how bright the colours actually look on film, that's less of an issue.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.