By the time Batman V Superman arrives, the massive backlash against Ben Affleck's casting as Bruce Wayne will seem as ridiculous as people's negative reaction to Heath Ledger's in The Dark Knight. You can already see things beginning to shift, with that initial knee-jerk reaction of "Why is the star of Daredevil and Gigli Batman?!" replaced with "Oh yeah, that was ten years ago - this guy's really turned his career around and J-Lo is nowhere to be seen". The simple passage of time has really helped with that acceptance, as has Affleck's smart performance in Gone Girl, but a key proponent is the design of his Batman costume. Revealed in a character-fitting (read: Batman can get away with being dark), black-and-white image, the costume invokes the Frank Miller version from The Dark Knight Returns (from which the whole movie is loosely inspired) with its bulky yet tight design. Like Luthor, there's a simple classicism to it - none of the needless "updating" of the tried-and-tested as with Aquaman is present here. The Comic Con tease revealed a second, armoured suit, again reminiscent of Returns, which looks equally as intriguing, although we'll have to wait for the much-anticipated trailer before getting a proper look at that. Regardless of how the Mark II winds up looking, it's clear that Batman is the character Snyder's got the most right, not succumbing to his usual soulless style. And the best part of it? He's got short ears... just like Daredevil. What's your favourite of the Batman V Superman character designs so far? Share your ranking down in the comments.