Batman V Superman: Ranking The Characters By Anticipation

2. Batman

In less than three decades, there have been four different actors to don the cape and cowl on the big screen, and it says a lot about the character's ongoing, immense popularity that the casting of the fifth, Ben Affleck, can spark such global conversation. To an even bigger degree than the announcement of Eisenberg as Lex, the casting of Affleck seemingly divided lots of people, with some pointing to his critically-praised turnaround over the last decade as reason enough to be excited as others suffered flashbacks to films like Gigli and Daredevil. Unlike Eisenberg, however, the footage since has done a pretty solid job of washing away any worries about Affleck's performance, as his look, attitude, and more have been a highlight of all that's been shown so far. Batman is an important character to Warner Bros., DC, and fans the world over alike, and now everyone will have the chance to see him on the big screen in a world where the Justice League exists and how his mentality and personality melds with or clashes against heroes outside of Gotham City. Worry has given way to hype, and with a bright future in the DCEU already ahead of him - he'll even be appearing in Suicide Squad in August - it's hard not to hope he lives up to all the high expectations.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!