Batman V Superman: Ranking The Characters By Anticipation

12. Smallville Residents

With so much going on in the film, whether it's the introduction of a whole new wave of characters or all the groundwork being laid down for the future of the DC Extended Universe, Man of Steel characters like Martha Kent and Father Leone probably aren't going to be too involved. However, they're in the film, and their mere inclusion will go a long way for fans of Henry Cavill's Superman who've had their fingers crossed his life outside the cape and Metropolis wouldn't take a backseat to everything else. At the least, it'll be refreshing to see him "go home" in the film and speak with characters who have his best interest at heart, and how they'll serve as a sounding board for his thoughts about and reactions to all that's happened since the events of his first outing.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!