Batman V Superman: Ranking The Characters By Anticipation
11. The Government Faces
Many people have had issues with the level of destruction caused at the end of Man of Steel and Superman's seemingly reckless actions during his fight with Zod. With Holly Hunter's Senator Finch, the film will be addressing that head on, with the character leading the charge in holding Superman accountable for his actions, representing the type of fallout those people were looking for. Beyond the deeper, far more public involvement of the government she'll be bringing with her, characters like Harry Lennix's General Swanwick and Christina Wren's Major Farris are returning from the first film, ensuring - unsurprisingly - that the military will also continue to be involved in Superman's life. With such an ever-increasing governmental presence around, it'll be interesting to see how all of their viewpoints - about Superman, about the emergence of more heroes, etc. - change by film's end.
Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!