Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Will Set Up Other DC Movies

8. Justice League Part One (2017)

Batman v Superman is subtitled "Dawn of Justice". By its very nature, it is setting up the Justice League movies - but it won't just be the two leading men (Ben Affleck's Batman and Henry Cavill's Superman) who form the basis of the team in their joint titular movie. This epic 2016 offering will introduce no less than five of the founding members of the DCEU Justice League (and that's just the ones that we know for certain are appearing), in the form of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Cyborg. Gal Gadot will portray Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher will portray Cyborg and Jason Momoa will portray Aquaman in Batman v Superman. We know Wonder Woman will get in on the action, but the extent of Cyborg and Aquaman's involvement is unknown at the moment. You can, however, bet that the quintet will convene at the end of the movie to set-up the first Justice League offering (and there may well be cameos from some other future members of the team). There's also a chance that a villain for the first Justice League movie will be hinted at (maybe Brainiac will come alive as an A.I. in some Kryptonian technology owned by Lex Luthor - a character who will surely also appear in the Justice League offerings).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.