Batman V Superman: 10 Ways It Will Set Up Other DC Movies

6. Aquaman (2018)

Like Wonder Woman before him in this list, the setting up of Aquaman's movie in Batman v Superman is obvious, given that the character will be appearing in it. The difference here, however, is that 2018's Aquaman won't be an origin story, so his movie will actually be set-up to occur after the events of Batman v Superman. There are a number of different versions of Aquaman in the comic books, but this version is likely to be the half-human and half-Atlantean son of Tom Curry and Atlanna. He will likely be living amongst humans in America. Whether or not he will be an established hero or becomes one by getting embroiled in the events of Batman v Superman remains to be seen, but the likelihood is that he will feel inferior to his super-powered peers - much like the New 52 version of the character. In potentially aiding Batman and Superman in their joint fight (likely against Lex Luthor) and being recruited into the Justice League in this movie, he will gain some confidence and he may depart for the sea at the end, ready to fight - giving a reason like "his people need him" (why they need him may be left ambiguous, but it will be due to whichever villain appears in his solo movie in 2018 - possibly Black Manta).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.