Batman vs Superman: 10 Casting Choices They Must Make

2. Emily Blunt Is Catwoman

Emily Blunt Emily Blunt was heavily rumoured to be in contention for the Catwoman role before it went to Anne Hathaway, and it's not really all that surprising; she's extremely sexy, can do a killer American accent, and has the sly charm necessary to make a delicious role like this work. Blunt has yet to really prove herself in the action arena, though the fact that she was also cast as Black Widow in Iron Man 2 (before having to pull out due to contractual obligations to do Gulliver's Travels), makes it clear that there's plenty of faith in her in Hollywood, and if she was seemingly capable for Marvel, then she certainly is for DC too. Though Anne Hathaway did so well with the role, the fact that Blunt and Hathaway are somewhat similar physically, as well as the mask-clad nature of the role (and how limited her screen time would likely be) should make this a relatively smooth transition, if Catwoman even appears in the movie at all.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]