Batman Vs. Superman Movie: 10 Potential Reasons They Could Fight

7. The Love Of Lois Lane

For some odd reason, there's a recurring element of Bruce Wayne trying to steal Lois Lane from Clark - probably to prove he doesn't like young boys. It's rarely treated seriously, but it still came up nonetheless in Silver Age comics and in the animated series. When you think about it, this makes sense in the comics. If the story takes place in a continuity where Lois doesn't know who Clark is, he could come off so wimpy that the arrival of the richest, smartest and strongest man in the world would overshadow him immediately. Given that Lois Lane from her inception has been defined by her astronomical standards, dating Batman would probably be the second best choice to dating Superman himself. In the context of Man of Steel, this dynamic could still work, except inversely as Clark would be too busy to be a boyfriend and Bruce Wayne - that rich idiot with no day job - would be a perfect replacement. Given the reach of Wayne Industries, it wouldn't be hard to justify him travelling to Gotham and having a fling with one of the city's celebrities. Hilarity ensues when both men realize that they've been dating the same girl and come to blows over it.

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