Batman Vs. Superman Movie: 10 Potential Reasons They Could Fight

6. Batman's Paranoia

If a random mugger shot a ten year old's parents in front of him, that kid would probably grow up with trust issues. Likewise, Batman is often shown to distrustful of people's intentions, even other superheroes. In the series "JLA: Tower of Babel", Batman's anti-superhero files are stolen by Ra's Al Ghul who almost destroys the entire Justice League. In another series, "The OMAC Project", it's discovered that Bruce had Wayne Enterprises build a massive autonomous satellite that monitors, catalogs, and combats superhuman threats around the world. Of course, the satellite goes rogue and is then controlled by the evil organization Checkmate. That's just a few plots where Bruce's paranoia causes him to conflict with the superhero community. In Man of Steel, most humans were introduced to the Kryptonians through General Zod and his men, all of whom were overtly antagonistic. While Superman may claim he's working for public good, do you really think Batman of all people would take him on his word? It wouldn't be hard to imagine Bruce attempting to at least keep surveillance on Superman, which as we see at the end of Man of Steel is a quick way to piss off the guy and start a brawl.

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