Batman Vs Superman: 9 Things You Need To Know About Jena Malone's Robin

8. The Extra Is Facing A Huge Fine For Leaking The Story

Shortly after the leaked information about a 'female Robin', news sites, such as The Guardian began to report that the extra responsible for the releasing the information could be facing a fine as whopping as $5 million. Best of luck getting that Warner Brothers. It's a safe bet he hasn't got it under his mattress. While the figure itself is too big to be actually actionable in court, it does lend some level of credence to the Jena Malone rumours. First of all, there's no smoke without fire, and news of Warner Bros lawyering up kicks up more smoke than Guy Fawkes' night. Why would the response be so threatening and so immediate if there wasn't a kernel of truth to the reports? Secondly, even though the extra isn't going to be sued for $5 million, if he broke the non-disclosure agreement - and he most certainly did - then that's still a huge deal. The studio could, at the most, take him for thousands of dollars, or at the very least blackball him from working on a movie set for the rest of his life. All of this begs the question: would the extra put himself at such a risk if his information wasn't good?
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.