Batman Vs Superman Movie: 10 Beautiful Details It Must Have

2. The Humanity

It's something that you perhaps don't notice with many characters in many films, but Henry Cavill's performance in Man Of Steel is one that teeters between the choice to be human or alien. And not just "human" metaphorically, in a loving and compassionate way, but physically. We see him growing up, struggling with these superhuman abilities, and losing sight of who he is, and what he should mean to his family. But now we've got all that backstory established, isn't it time to see the real Clark Kent? There was a glimmer at the end when he puts on the glasses, but Kal-El made a choice to sacrifice his own people and choose humanity; it would be engrossing if we could see just a little more insight into the more human characteristics that this alien has. He grew up on our planet after all. Man Of Steel went some way to showing why he was different, so let's bring him back to Earth and see just why he's one of us.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.