Batman vs Superman Movie: 3 Reasons To Be Excited & 3 Reasons To Worry

1. Batman and Superman€™s Friendship

bros One is light, the other dark. One is a publicized hero, the other a mythic vigilante. These two shouldn€™t be friends, but they somehow are. People seem to be so caught up in the possibility of Batman and Superman fighting that they don€™t seem to be giving a thought to how these two will interact aside from fighting. Personally, I€™m more excited to see the way their friendship grows than who would win in a fight scene (which, quite frankly, is probably only going to be a quick scene, a la Iron Man and Thor in The Avengers). The truth is that Batman and Superman share more similarities with each other than they do differences. They both understand the burden of growing up without their natural set of parents and obviously fight for justice. Batman respects Superman€™s use of his powers, admiring the restraint he shows when fighting crime. Superman, meanwhile, respects what Batman does without powers, showing the common man what they can achieve on their own. One of my favourite moments between these two heroes comes from Mark Waid€™s Kingdom Come where Superman admits that when you scratch away everything from Batman, what you€™re left with is someone who simply doesn€™t want to see anyone else die. These two understand each other in a way most DC heroes don€™t and I€™m excited to see that friendship evolve.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.