Batman vs Superman Movie: 3 Reasons To Be Excited & 3 Reasons To Worry

Reason to be Worried...

3. Studio Pressure

Warner Bros While Man of Steel has made just shy of $700 million - which is a very good amount of money - Warner Bros. were expecting it to do much better and were surprised at the number of negative reviews. I believe they overestimated the audience Christopher Nolan€™s attached name would bring in, thinking they were sure to get make another billion dollars. To make a comparison, while Batman Begins got very good reviews it only made under $400 million, nowhere close to the billion dollar hit its sequel became. Part of this was because it followed after Batman & Robin whereas Man of Steel followed after Superman III, IV and Returns, three very bad outings in the franchise. I believe they demanded Batman be added to a sequel after Man of Steel came out as a means to get audiences to show up in 2015. Even with Marvel currently dominating the superhero genre, mainstream audiences still point to The Dark Knight Trilogy as the example all superhero movies should be and fortunately, Warner Bros. still own the keys to their money-making franchise. Simply adding his name to the title will get the mainstream excited and buy tickets, but whether or not it is the best decision for the filmmaker€™s vision and their story remains another matter.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.