Batman's 10 Best Movie Moments

7. Batman Rescues Vicki Vale (Batman)

batman joker
Warner Bros.

There is a strong argument that Burton’s Batman is more of a Joker story with Batman in it rather than the other way around. It’s a fairly solid argument but that doesn’t mean Batman doesn’t have his moments, and this is his best.

After Vicki Vale accepts an invite to Gotham’s art gallery she is quickly held captive by The Joker and his goons. A creepy back-and-forth occurs between Joker and Vicki, the tension escalating with each passing moment, until Vicki seizes her moment and chucks a jug of water in his face. He feigns injury and we see that Vale is actually concerned that she has severely injured him, until he turns around and cackles maniacally. We begin to worry for Vale as she is trapped with a clearly unhinged madman and then….. CRASH!

batman man

Batman bursts through the skylight, picks up Vale, fires a grappling hook into the wall and glides out to safety, with The Joker staring dumbfounded at what has just happened. Despite the unfortunate comic cliché of the hero rescuing a damsel in distress, this is still a fantastic scene and a great way of setting up the rest of the movie.


An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow