Batman's 10 Best Movie Moments

6. Bane Hijacks A Plane (The Dark Knight Rises)

batman joker
Warner Bros.

After The Dark Knight, expectations for The Dark Knight Rises were through the roof. Nolan no doubt knew this and wanted to start the movie with a bang. It’s safe to say that, with this introduction to Bane, he achieved that and then some!

After Aiden Gillen accepts three hooded hoodlums onto his plane, he proceeds to question them about a mysterious figure known as Bane. Of course, it turns out that Bane is one of the hooded men and he puts his plan into action in the most spectacular way.

This is a great introduction to the character as it shows his charismatic side, seen with his witty response to Gillen’s enquiry about his mask, then his unrelenting brutality as he effortlessly disposes of his enemies and, finally, his intelligence as he pulls off a ridiculously ambitious mid-air hijacking.

bane plane

Not only this, but it looks bloody fantastic as well, with Nolan’s well documented insistence on practical effects ensuring the scene carries a genuine sense of spectacle and danger.


An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow