Before Skyfall: 10 Definitive Thomas Newman Scores

7. Finding Nemo It was a challenging decision to place this score so low on the list. This score fit the film perfectly, lending itself well to both the heart of the film and the adventurous content. Thomas Newman really branched out with this album. This is one of his few scores with very few dark undertones and a defined optimistic sound. It is much less brooding and never relies on the ominous tones and spatial complexities Newman is known for. It is at times very jazzy and fun, but it is also a much more robust, symphonic score, lending itself well to the Disney universe. Despite being much closer to what you get from a more classical film score sound, you can still hear that signature Newman sound in the roots and heart of the composition. This soundtrack marks somewhat of a new phase beginning in Newman€™s career, and can be acknowledged as a major stepping stone to a revised Newman sound.

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