Best/Worst Case For 15 Summer Movies (With Predictions)

10. Dark Phoenix

The Lion King Simba

Release Date: June 7th

With Disney's purchase of Fox, the X-Men will eventually join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Before that happens, we will get one more film with the team from Fox. Dark Phoenix will be a re-do of the letdown that was X-Men: The Last Stand. Will this be a redeeming effort or will it be up to Marvel Studios to one day get this story right?

Best Case: Fox has made some head scratching choices for their X-Men films, such as Logan and Deadpool, that have worked out in the past. They also have the benefit of getting this story wrong before, so they should know what not to do this time. The skepticism around Dark Phoenix will be unjustified and will be among the best films in the franchise, with word of mouth helping the box office beyond its opening weekend.

Worst Case: With a long delay in release and X: Men Apocalypse being a disappointing follow-up to Days of Future's Past, there isn't much confidence in this movie. This movie becomes a candidate for worst film of the year and will flop hard at the box office.

Prediction: It will be a slight improvement on X-Men: The Last Stand, but that won't be enough to make it a success. This film will be more Apocalypse than First Class or Days of Future's Past and Dark Phoenix will make audiences more than ready for an MCU revamp.


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