Birds Of Prey: Every Character In The Movie Ranked Worst To Best

6. Huntress

Huntress Birds Of Prey
Warner Bros.

Of all the characters in Birds of Prey, Huntress is perhaps the most frustrating. When she's on screen, she's great, but the film takes so much time teasing her appearance that she doesn't really join the plot until near the third act.

That decision was probably the right one in the grand scheme of things, as the slow rollout makes sure audiences actually care about all the characters and know who they are (rather than simply opt for a trailer-esque intro slideshow like in Suicide Squad), but it does make Huntress stick out like a sore thumb for the majority of the runtime.

Fortunately, when she is integrated into the plot proper, the assassin provides a nice antidote to the rest of the team's obnoxious bravado.

That's because Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays the super-capable killer with an underlying insecurity. She's got the skills, but she doesn't know how to present herself as a badass, and watching her navigate social situations surrounded by so many larger-than-life characters brings some of the film's finest background gags. All of this is on top of one of the most compelling and immediately striking backstories any of the Birds of Prey have.

It's a shame the character doesn't get more screen time, but at least Winstead makes the most of every second she has.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3