Birds Of Prey: Every Character In The Movie Ranked Worst To Best

5. Black Canary

Birds of Prey Black Canary
Warner Bros. Pictures

Unlike Huntress, Black Canary is very much a central part of the narrative for the entirety of Birds of Prey, acting as the unwilling driver for Black Mask.

This is a story all about morally questionable people reluctantly becoming less selfish and eventually doing the right thing, but Huntress' evolution is more explicit than others. She works for the villain, after all, but it's not a simple case of a 'bad guy' joining the 'heroes'.

Her history is kept mysterious in a way the others' aren't as well, which does make her relationship with Renee Montana a touch confusing at times, but it's still presented clearly enough for audiences to understand why she has ended up the way she has. Likewise, that mystery is all in service of a final payoff that's more than worth it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3