Birds Of Prey: Every Character In The Movie Ranked Worst To Best

4. Renee Montana

Rosie Perez Birds Of Prey
Warner Bros.

"Raised on 80s cop movies," Renee Montana is the unsung hero of Birds of Prey. In fact, she's probably the only member of the cast that resembles the conventional hero of a superhero movie at all. She's a downtrodden cop, good at her work but constantly running into red tape in the form of her boss and Captain, who also somehow finds a way to take the credit for her police work.

Like Huntress, Renee is also someone partly living a performance. She's a good cop, but she's also intentionally mimicking what an idea of a 'good cop' is in the movies she's seen, cheesy one-liners and clichéd crime-scene observations and all.

Her journey from detective to vigilante is a little obvious and perhaps the least resonant of the lot, but that doesn't matter because Renee still brings so much heart to this story of emancipation.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3