Black Panther: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

8. N'Jobu

Black Panther Characters

Played By: Sterling K Brown

Though he's not on screen for all that long, former Wakandan spy N'Jobu is the perfect justification for hiring the excellent Sterling K Brown for such a small role.

It's essentially his radicalisation - which never sways into cartoonishness - that gives the film its intelligent heart and its driving conflict. Plus it's his fate and his impact on his young son Erik that inspires him to become what he is, both in his love of Wakanda and his hatred of the oppression of other black identities across the globe.

There's a message entwined in his character innately and that means neither he nor his son are irredeemable villains: they're driven by emotion, injustice and a staunch belief that they're doing the right thing. And without Brown's assured performance, Jordan couldn't be as good as Killmonger.

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