Black Panther Movie: 8 Ways Marvel Have Been Building Towards It For Years

6. He Starred In His Own Short Lived Cartoon Show

Following Iron Man€™s success Marvel quickly branched out into some animated spin-offs of their biggest properties, and decided to give Black Panther his own show in 2010 to see how audiences responded to the character. Unfortunately it didn€™t get much of a chance to catch on; reviews were poor - even with a cast that included Djimon Hounsou and Stan €œThe Man€ Lee - and it only lasted six episodes before being cancelled. After that the character went on to appear in The Avengers: Earth€™s Mightiest Heroes, where he quickly became a fan favourite. From there he started showing up in numerous video games and the TV series Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers, which was probably Marvel's quiet way of testing out Black Panther and his mythology with the audience. The patient approach seems to have paid off, with people being more excited for his appearance in Civil War than almost any other character.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.