Black Panther Movie: 8 Ways Marvel Have Been Building Towards It For Years

4. The Avengers Take A Trip To Wakanda In Age Of Ultron

Marvel clearly started taking plans for a Black Panther movie seriously during Age Of Ultron; most of the foreshadowing for the character can be found in it. The most obvious clue is that The Avengers head to Wakanda itself in search of Ultron, who wants to obtain some sweet vibranium for himself. Wakanda was introduced in the comics as the homeland of T€™Challa (aka Black Panther), who took over as ruler when his father was killed. During a ceremony he ate a Heart-Shaped Herb that grows there, granting him all of his super human strength and abilities. The appearance of Wakanda led to rumours Black Panther himself would show up €“ or at least be teased €“ in Age Of Ultron, something that thankfully didn€™t happen as there were too many characters already. This time out Marvel were just laying the groundwork for the character to be introduced.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.