Black Panther Review: 10 Best Moments

2. Post-Credits Scene: Bucky Is Cured

Bucky Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Though Black Panther's mid-credits scene is a bit of a damp squib (merely showing T'Challa attending a U.N. summit and pledging to share Wakanda's resources with the rest of the world), the post-credits scene delivers a fantastically crowd-pleasing tag to leave fans on a high.

The sequence opens with three Wakanda children peering over someone sleeping in a tent, and when the figure emerges from the tent, it's revealed to be none other than Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), kitted out in native clothing and, yes, still missing an arm.

The fleeing children refer to him as "White Wolf", at which point he's met by Shuri, who implies that his brainwashing has been cured, but that he still has "much more to learn."

It's an incredibly neat, tidy way to get Bucky straight for Infinity War, while not overcrowding an already busy movie with too many exterior MCU shenanigans.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.