Black Panther Review: 10 Best Moments

3. The South Korea Showdown

Black Panther Car Chase
Marvel Studios

The movie's most elaborate and electrifying action sequence takes place in Busan, South Korea, as T'Challa catches a whiff of Ulysses Klaue attempting to sell some Vibranium there.

So, T'Challa and his team arrives at a casino to take him down, where they find Everett Ross also there with his own team, similarly hoping to capture the shady arms dealer.

A frantic fight kicks off when Okoye throws her wig in a goon's face - because why not? - and Ryan Coogler delivers a superbly-realised long-take fight (achieved with obvious digital blending, but still) throughout the casino.

This eventually leads to a car chase, with Shuri remotely driving a car for T'Challa, allowing him to leap from car to car, tearing off roofs and throwing bad guys into traffic.

Elsewhere, Okoye makes awesome use of her spear, hurling it at a car and causing it to crash, and when her own vehicle gets vaporised, she uses the spear to ride the car door down a slope in suitably bada** fashion. The icing on the cake comes when Nakia comes sliding down the hill a moment later in what remains of the car's cockpit.

The sequence finally concludes, of course, when T'Challa tears out one of the tires of Klaue's car, crashing it and allowing Klaue to be taken into CIA custody. A few dodgy CGI moments aside, this was a ton of fun.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.