Black Panther Review: 10 Best Moments

1. Erik Is Reunited With His Father On The Ancestral Plane

Black Panther Erik Killmonger
Marvel Studios

And finally, the best sequence in the film involves no action at all. After Erik has defeated T'Challa and taken Wakanda's crown, he immerses himself in the Wakandan sands and visits the ancestral plane.

For Erik, this is visualised as the very apartment where his father N'Jobu was killed, with the ethereal purple hue of the savanna visible through the windows (a brilliant artistic flourish).

Here Erik speaks to his dead father, and Ryan Coogler makes the fantastic directorial choice of cutting between Erik as a child and him in the present-day, as he sheds tears over his father's absence and the way he and black people in general are treated in society.

It's an unexpectedly touching scene and one of the MCU's most genuinely nuanced character moments to date, ensuring that despite the huge budget and all the CGI-fuelled insanity, Coogler's directorial panache was still able to prevail in a more intimate aside like this.

And of course, Michael B. Jordan deserves a hand for lending shade and complexity to a character who could so easily have been a one-dimensional tyrant.

What were your favourite moments from Black Panther? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.