Black Panther Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 2 Downs

1. The Action

Black Panther Dogfight
Marvel Studios

That comment about the heart of the film aside, the trailer suggests that we're in for a barn-storming time when Black Panther comes out in February with multiple action sequences to add some punch to proceedings.

In just a couple of minutes we get a look at a number of set-pieces (Klaue's arrest, Klaue's escape, the museum heist, trials by combat, Killmonger coming home to fight, aerial spaceship battles...) And all of that means we'll get ample opportunity to see the brilliant fight choreography that's already been heavily hinted at and more of T'Challa's patented "cat-fu".

if you aren't hyped for all of that, there's something wrong with you.

And now the few negatives...


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