Black Widow: 10 Major New Details Revealed About The Marvel Movie

8. What General "Thunderbolt" Ross Is After In Black Widow

Black Widow Taskmaster
Marvel Studios

William Hurt's General "Thunderbolt" Ross was first introduced in 2008's The Incredible Hulk, but his hunt to take down the Jade Giant was seemingly put on hold as he didn't return until Captain America: Civil War eight years later. In that movie, Ross was overseeing the Sokovia Accords and it ended with Tony Stark telling Black Widow that the Secretary of State would be coming after her.

Well, that's exactly what will be happening in the movie, but Ross' motivations may be a little more complex than just wanting to put Natasha behind bars.

"I do think about that fatigue setting in after he just made this big move to control the Avengers, and it created a huge problem and a huge rift," Hurt reveals. "I think in Ross' head he's probably a self-fantasizing person. I think he imagined, back when he was contending with Hulk, that he was the conquering soldier going around the world, but things have gotten more complex and difficult."

"There's always a sense of dignity to what he's doing, but I think he's the soldier on the last hill at this point," he continued. "He's surrounded and he's just trying to protect his way of life. The way he can strike back against the changing world would be by capturing Natasha Romanoff." That's clearly not a mission he succeeds in, but might he make up for that by forming the Thunderbolts? Time will tell.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.