Black Widow: 10 Major New Details Revealed About The Marvel Movie

4. Taskmaster Uses The Moves Of Spider-Man, The Winter Soldier, And More

Black Widow Taskmaster
Marvel Studios

In the trailers for Black Widow, it's become clear that the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of Taskmaster is able to utilise the skills of different characters from this shared world. There have been glimpses of Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Panther, but which other moves has the villain familiarised himself with? Quite a few it seems.

According to the movie's fight coordinator, James Young, "Taskmaster has studied the Avengers; in the bridge fight you can see that. You see flashes of Captain America, you see flashes of Bucky, you see flashes of Iron Man, and you see Spider-Man in this sequence. How do you fight someone that can embody all the Avengers at once?"

It's certainly going to be interesting seeing Natasha Romanoff attempting to come to terms with an opponent who can fight like Iron Man in one breath, and Spider-Man in another.

No matter who is beneath the mask, it would clearly be a real waste for Taskmaster to be another one and done baddie in the MCU because this is a character with a tonne of potential moving forward. Fingers crossed those rumours that he ultimately joins the Thunderbolts prove to be correct, eh?

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