Black Widow Final Trailer Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down

3. Taskmaster's (Stolen) Talents Begin To Shine

Black Widow Taskmaster Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Taskmaster's arrival in the MCU piqued the interest of fans who wondered if we might see him bring his comic book abilities with him - abilities that allow him to use his muscle memory and his photographic reflexes to essentially copy the fighting behaviour of an abundance of Marvel's prize fighters. And after previous trailers allowed him to showcase his talents with both a bow and arrow and a shield - talents eerily reminiscent to those of Hawkeye and Captain America - it looked like that might indeed be the case.

This new trailer feeds that theory further as the new shots of the piece's villain allows us to see him showcase more of his impressive fighting skills. However, it's the shot in which he unleashes his, well, claws that has everyone talking.

Too identical to the way in which Black Panther fights just to be another coincidence, this essentially confirms that Taskmaster does possess the same formidable copying-talent as his comic book counterpart - and that makes him a sensational choice of villain for a film centred on a hero who loves to fight.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.