Black Widow Final Trailer Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down

2. More Detailing Of The Film's Actual Story

Taskmaster Black Widow
Marvel Studios

Black Widow has remained something of an anomaly throughout the last year, as the-powers-that-be at Marvel have successfully managed to promote the movie without giving away too much. A highly effective approach, the only downside to it was the lack of clarity surrounding the film's actual plot. Essentially, each mystery promo and trailer intentionally left us saying: 'Cool, but what's it all about?'.

This trailer, however, was a lot more forthcoming in terms of story, revealing that Natasha returns to her past in a bid to deal with it once and for all but, in the process, discovers that old acquaintance Taskmaster has taken control of the Reed Room and manipulated the Widows into doing his bidding, removing their free-will. And thus, she must reunite with sister Yelena - the potential new Black Widow - and the rest of her family, in order to take him down.

There is a slight concern with just how forthcoming this final trailer was (which we'll get to shortly), but it did give us some much-needed clarity about a film that mainstream viewers might have struggled to follow without it.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.