Black Widow Movie 2020: Everything We Know

3. Casting Leaks Hint At Sinister Villains

Black Widow Movie

The Black Widow film will presumably be less like a superhero film and more like a spy thriller. Most fans assume from her visions in Age of Ultron it will be like a family friendly version of Jennifer Lawrence's Red Sparrow. So it is not surprising that some leaks indicate there will be a kickass female character described as a female Bond, while other hints point to some seriously sinister villains.

The Hashtag Show reported this new information that Marvel is favouring actors who can speak multiple languages. As far as the main villain goes, the character is only described as "exciting". Marvel is open when it comes to ethnicity, but is looking for the character to be in the '40s age range.

Given that the film will deal with her background and this new information, the current rumor is that the Red Guardian or Taskmaster will be the lead villain. It has also been suggested that Night Raven, the vigilante featured in the graphic novel Fury/Black Widow: Death Duty, could be another candidate.

Whoever the studio chooses will definitely have their hands full trying to subdue the Black Widow.

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D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.