Black Widow Movie 2020: Everything We Know

2. Anthony Mackie And Sebastian Stan Are Interested In Appearing

Black Widow Movie
Marvel Studios

Iron Man and Captain America would have probably been many fans top choices to team up with Romanoff in her own film. But the word on the street is that their days are numbered in the MCU. However, there are some Avengers that have volunteered their services to suit up for their favorite assassin turned superhero.

Sebastian Stan claims that he would be willing to appear as Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier in a Black Widow film. In the comics, his character actually trains Romanoff to become the Black Widow. This isn't the case in the MCU but the two have crossed paths as mentioned in Winter Soldier. So they have that to work off of.

Anthony Mackie claims the Falcon would fly for Black Widow. The actor has stated in an interview with Hitflix he would be down to appear in any capacity in the super spies solo flick.

These two would be great but it would be nice to see Clint Barton aka Hawkeye show up, even if it is just a flashback so we can find out what really happened in Budapest, considering they have different opinions of how it went down.

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Black Widow
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D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.