Bond 24: Live And Let Die Remake With Idris Elba?

2. The Return Of Quantum

Quantum Of Solace

The shady organisation running the show, Quantum, were nowhere to be seen in Skyfall, with it being presumed that this arc has simply been abandoned. It's pretty sloppy, though, given that there's one dangling thread that needs to be tied up; Mr. White, the leader of Quantum, is still at large, having escaped Bond's clutches. A scene that has never been shown outside of the production team was filmed, though, where Bond hunts him down at the end of Quantum of Solace and kills him; it's a shame the producers didn't have a little more foresight and actually finish him off for good, so that the transition to Skyfall felt a little smoother. On the other hand, though, Quantum could be brought back in Bond 24, being useful to tie Live and Let Die's story into the contemporary Bond universe. In the novel, Mr. Big has links to SMERSH, an arm of the Russian secret service which is an undeniable threat to the Western world. How's about swapping out SMERSH for Quantum instead? Bond 24 could reveal the organisation's ultimate plan as well as their links to other countries. Using the Soviet Union again would of course make no sense, so how about somewhere a little more...contemporary?

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]