Bond 24: Live And Let Die Remake With Idris Elba?

1. North Korea Replaces The Soviets

In the source novel, Mr. Big's operations consisted of selling gold coins in order to fund Soviet spy activity in the United States, with Bond making the oft-quoted comment that New York "must be the fattest atomic-bomb target on the whole face of the world." Given that just today North Korea has cut off yet another hotline to the US and suggested that nuclear war is "simmering", would it not be just too easy to tie the whole thing into the current conflict? This isn't to say that James Bond needs to get super-topical, but it's an easy fix to cover for the Soviet anachronism, while not needing to explicitly engage with the modern problem - I think we'll all agree that Bond trying to take down Kim Jong-un would not make for particularly convincing cinema. In the interest of keeping things gritty, North Korea being the ultimate interest would totally work, as long as it's kept in the background just like it is in the original novel. So, what do you think of a Live and Let Die adaptation? Are there other Bond novels you would prefer to see made? Let us know in the comments below.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]