Boy Erased Trailer Reaction: 5 Ups & 1 Down

4. Nicole Kidman's Nuanced Performance

Boy Erased Nicole Kidman
Focus Features

Nicole Kidman has made a career out of playing conflicted women, and it looks like she's set to deliver one of her best performances yet as Nancy Conley - Garrard's mother. Throughout the trailer we see Kidman giving it her all, as her character struggles to cope with her son's sexuality. Nancy is caught between her faith and her love for her son, and Kidman's nuanced performance in the snippets we've seen highlights this conflict beautifully.

Kidman has been reigning supreme in Hollywood for many years now, but the esteemed actress has really come into her own over the past few years. With starring roles in films like The Killing Of A Sacred Deer and The Beguiled, as well as her Emmy-winning performance in HBO TV series Big Little Lies, the celebrated actress has truly put an end to the ludicrous stereotype that an actress' career has to suffer when they hit a certain age.

While we might not agree with Nancy's motives in the film, Kidman's performance will likely bring many a movie-goer to tears.

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Boy Erased
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Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.