Bryce Dallas Howard: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

1. Twilight: Breaking Dawn

There was much controversy from Twilight fans but not even a murmur of interest from anyone else when Bryce Dallas Howard was given the role of villain Victoria in the final instalment of the franchise. In the first two films Rachelle Lefevre depicted the uninteresting Victoria, only for the role to be unnecessarily recast in favour of Dallas Howard. It's difficult for someone to act well in a Twilight film. The greyscale environs and moody-teenager atmosphere, along with a ham-fisted script, effectively means, so long as you don't embarrass yourself, you can rake the money in and consider the movie a success. That's exactly what Dallas Howard provides here: a forgettable, inoffensive performance, with sufficiently less angst in order to ensure she's rarely the most detestable character on screen. The film was predictably a massive commercial success, so as a one-off project, at least the pay-check was good. It can't have been a fulfilling experience as an actress though, particularly working opposite the wooden Kirsten Stewart. What's your favourite Bryce Dallas Howard performance? What about worse? Share your thoughts down in the comments.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.