Cannes 2015: Who Really Should Have Won?

Grand Prix

Who Won? László Nemes - Son Of Saul Did It Deserve To Win?Son Of Saul could have won any award here and it'd be totally deserved - any problems it may have become negligible in the face of its realised vision and totally unique shooting style. Injecting new life into movies about the Holocaust, a sub-set of cinema that all too often relies on contextual emotion, it's a shocking debut from Nemes. That it bags the Grand Prix, the festival's second highest honour, is hard to grumble about. Who Should Have Won? Given how the other awards should have gone, it's refreshing that the Grand Prix is a perfect fit for Son Of Saul - the only case of the Jury getting it spot on.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.