Captain America: Civil War - 10 Amazing Comic Book Moments It Must Include

7. Ragnarok

It's known that a number of superheroes from previous Marvel releases will appear in Captain America: Civil War, but it's important to remember that this isn't an Avengers movie. As a result, you have to imagine that some familiar faces won't be turning up, while others - more than likely the Hulk and Thor - will be taken off the board in Avengers: Age Of Ultron. How that will happen remains to be seen, but if Hulk is sent into outer space, then there's that Planet Hulk movie at long last. For Thor on the other hand, it's easy to imagine him deciding to return to Asgard for whatever reason. Could that then lead to Tony Stark utilising his clone of the God of Thunder in his battle with Steve Rogers? Here's hoping. The deranged "Ragnarok" (or "Clor" as fans named him) ends up being sent into battle against Captain America's Anti-Registration forces, but kills a character known as Black Goliath in the process. Whether that hero would be introduced here or someone would take his place remains to be seen, but this would be an incredibly shocking moment to see.

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