Captain America: Civil War - 10 Amazing Comic Book Moments It Must Include

6. The Punisher Debuts

In some ways, it's hard to imagine The Punisher ever making his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After all, the bloodthirsty vigilante doesn't really fit into the Disney owned Marvel Studios stable, but cut down on the over the top violence and buckets of blood, and he could actually find a place. Having a man in the shadows (just like in the Civil War comic book) later being revealed to be The Punisher would be a massive shock to fans - especially if Marvel kept the casting completely under wraps - and a cool way of introducing a new version of this character to regular moviegoers. Right now, he's just sitting on the shelf, which feels like a mistake, and an appearance in Captain America: Civil War could be exactly what's needed to revive interest in the vigilante. What would the future hold for Frank Castle after this cameo? Well, you have to imagine that The Punisher would fit in very well on Netflix with Daredevil!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.