Captain America: Civil War - 10 Big Implications Of Hulk & Thor's Absence

9. No Bromance For Tony Stark

The Tony Stark/Bruce Banner bromance has been one of the cutest and most endearing things about the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date. It might seem like a minor consequence, but Banner is the one person Stark feels comfortable openly confiding in - look at the post-credits scene of Iron Man 3. If Stark is bottling up his feelings - guilt about creating Ultron, regret about leaving the Avengers, continued post-traumatic stress from his alien encounter in New York - the results could be devastating. The very reason he is prepared to go to war with his ally Captain America could be because of that. Stark relies on Banner to keep himself balanced. His absence could be devastating on the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist (plus, audiences will be missing out on the best actor chemistry in the franchise).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.