Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

2. Christine Everhart's News Report (Ant-Man Marketing) As part of the marketing campaign for Ant-Man - and in the aftermath of Age of Ultron - Marvel Studios put out a short clip featuring Christine Everhart (who you may remember from such scenes as Tony Stark's bedroom) delivering a news report on the events in Sokovia and the release of Scott Lang from prison. With regards to Sokovia, Everhart briefly touched on the issue of "government control and transparency" when it comes to the super-powered citizens of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She mentioned that it was a hot topic amongst the public, after the extensive damage caused by the Avengers actions - not for the first time - in the battle against Ultron. It was a great forerunner to Captain America: Civil War and a precursor to the fact that government control over super-powered individuals will be the issue that divides the teams led by Steve Rogers and Tony Stark respectively in the movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.